Spring Fling! An Exceptional Night at the Museum
This event is no longer on sale.
Location: Kaleideum, 120 West Third Street
$7; free for members (Children under 1 are free.)
Museums for All tickets ($3 each) can be purchased at the Welcome Desk the day of the event.
Exceptional Night at the Museum is a series of exclusive events during which children and adults with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities — along with their families and caregivers — can enjoy the wonders of Kaleideum. Exceptional Night events offer inclusive and adaptive programming in a less crowded museum environment.
Our inaugural Exceptional Night event — Spring Fling! — will celebrate all things spring. Guests can dig into spring-themed sensory bins, create flower and bee crafts, and learn to code with Bee Bots.
Members free; non-members $7; $3 Museums for All pricing is available at the Welcome Desk the evening of the event.